bridge a friendly and growing community of photographers with an interest in the Pacific Northwest region. We feature a Photography Discussion Forum and Pacific Northwest Photo Gallery. It's a fun and friendly place to talk with other photographers, ask questions, share you knowledge, view and post photos and more!

  1. Fallbridge


    Manifest coming off the Oregon Trunk and heading toward Pasco.
  2. Southbound Manifest

    Southbound Manifest

    Entering the Oregon Trunk at Celilo Village.
  3. Old Highway 30

    Old Highway 30

    At Rowena Crest, OR
  4. Abandoned Bridge

    Abandoned Bridge

    This once served a now abandoned sawmill in Oakridge, OR.
  5. Northbound Coast Starlight

    Northbound Coast Starlight

    Crossing the North Fork of the Willamette River at Westfir, OR
  6. Westbound Manifest

    Westbound Manifest

    West of Hilgard, OR. The train begins the 2.2% climb to the summit at Kamela at this point.
  7. Concrete Arch Bridg

    Concrete Arch Bridg

    At Perry, OR.


    Leaving the Oregon Trunk and heading for Wishram for a crew change before continuing on to Pasco. Photographed from the bluff above the Celilo Bridge in Oregon.
  9. American Crow

    American Crow

    Sunset Bay State Park, OR
  10. Covered Bridge

    Covered Bridge

    The bridge at Westfir, OR. Many years ago it served a sawmill.
  11. Gorge Bridge

    Gorge Bridge

    Gorge Bridge
  12. Bridge Rail

    Bridge Rail

    Bridge Rail
  13. Bridge Grid

    Bridge Grid

    Bridge Grid
  14. Covered Bridge

    Covered Bridge

    The covered bridge at Westfir, OR; photographed from the northbound Coast Starlight.
  15. 100 Year Old Steel Bridge

    100 Year Old Steel Bridge

    @ Willamette River Greenway Trail in downtown Portland
  16. Hawthorne Bridge from Riverwalk

    Hawthorne Bridge from Riverwalk

  17. Megler Bridge

    Megler Bridge

    Astoria-Megler Bridge ,Oregon coast photo by Gary Meyers photography Take nothing but photos , leave nothing but footprints !!!
  18. Sunrise


    Sunrise in Astoria-Megler Bridge ,Oregon coast photo by Gary Meyers photography Take nothing but photos , leave nothing but footprints !!!
  19. The Bridge

    The Bridge

    Astoria-Megler Bridge ,Oregon coast photo by Gary Meyers photography Take nothing but photos , leave nothing but footprints !!!
  20. MY MOOD


    Astoria-Megler Bridge ,Oregon coast photo by Gary Meyers photography Take nothing but photos , leave nothing but footprints !!!
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