Evergreen Aviation Museum

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Or: Getting used to shooting ultra-wide. ;)

I just got a new (to me) ultra-wide lens. Its 9-18mm which, for Olympus is 18-36mm equivalent. One of the first things I noticed, and I had heard this from others, is how hard it is to get a level horizon at 9mm. The lens is f/4, requiring the two hand-held interior shots to be at ISO 1250, so they have a bit of noise. I think I'm going to really like this lens! :D

Here are some of my first shots with it:

Inside the cargo hold of the Spruce Goose looking toward the tail:

Inside the Ford Trimotor:

C&C welcome. Also any advice on how to get the most out of ultra-wide shooting.
Nice shots Mike!! I would really like to visit this place. I have driven around it one time and took a few pics, but never been inside.

Cross your fingers. They are hoping for one of the remaining shuttles to retire here.
I would say it's definitely worth a stop. I've driven past it numerous times and always thought I should check it out. We spent 2+ hours in the aviation building and didn't have the time to check out the space building. So I need to go back.

Take the widest fastest lens you own. I don't think there is any restriction on photography, but they might frown on tripods.
They do seem to have "connections in high places". However, I just saw a list of the museums that are vying for one of the shuttles. It is very long and Evergreen wasn't one of the front runners.

Janice, I just saw your almost identical shots of the Trimotor interior and the Spruce Goose interior. Looks like great minds think alike. ;)
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One thing that Evergreen has over most of the other places, is that Evergreen has space and a few other historic pieces (SR-71, spruce goose, over 16 different fighters and bombers, 12 helos, and a Titan 2 Rocket! There are a lot more that I have missed including all the historic stuff.)

Other than that

I have been there ( 3 times over the last 8 years, yeah I am a geek about planes ) my biggest concern is the price jump in the last 2 years. I would also say pack a picnic lunch (Food quality was lackluster at best and white bread samiches) and see if you can get a good weather day.

My shooting tips, yours may differ.

Be patient and go during the middle of the week and call ahead and see if a huge group is booked. Try to avoid said group.
Lighting is going to be a bit of hit amd miss, so white balance if you can.
Get low and high when shooting (will help eliminate "other things in the shot")
Get close.
try not to show up in your own shots. (lots of shiny things in there)

Things to bring
a monopod. ( not a tripod, I think they may have rules about tripods.)
Your fastest glass.
You widest glass. (I recommend renting if you don't have them a 10-22 for Canon and 12-24 for Nikon )
Flash unit.
Box of humor. :)

Have fun.
A wide glass, the best advice for sure. This is a packed museum and seldom room to step back. I had not thought of a monopod when I was there. Great idea.
I bet one could easily spend a whole day there!! Would be awesome if one of the shuttles found a home there!!
I bet one could easily spend a whole day there!! Would be awesome if one of the shuttles found a home there!!

Easily. They actually have two buildings. I think the admission is a bit high for both. The space museum, I felt was disappointing and could be passed over. I would change my mind if they acquired the shuttle.
Their third building is constructed and has their Evergreen 747 installed on the roof. That in itself looks pretty spectacular. They told us they will eventually have a water slide comind down from the 747. I suspect kids would have a ball.
747 Slide

Their third building is constructed and has their Evergreen 747 installed on the roof. That in itself looks pretty spectacular. They told us they will eventually have a water slide comind down from the 747. I suspect kids would have a ball.

I bet that will notch up the price of admission as well.
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