If a Tree Falls......

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Bill Anderson

Super Moderator
Staff member
in the forest and no one is around to hear it, is there sound? That was a mute question when this tree fell in Yost Park a few days ago. One of the regular owl hunters was photographing the owls nearby. He said the owls were the first to sense something was amiss and quickly flew off as tree started to snap.

The tree was fairly large, about 24" in diameter and over thirty feet tall. It shook the ground and damaged nearby foliage when it hit. The owl hunter had no idea why the tree snapped and fell, as there was no wind at the time.





I never walk in our parks during strong winds because of the danger of falling trees. There is an old saying among soldiers that you never hear the bullet or artillery shell which hits you. I hope the same holds true for falling trees. On a positive note; if your are hit by a tree like this, your survivors need not bother re-burying you.
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That reminds me of this:

"If a man speaks in the woods and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?"

PS, I know full well you were being serious - I just couldn't help myself. :rolleyes:
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