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I have many memories of the Oregon Coast. Some of those memories include the Cape Meares lighthouse. Some of you might remember earlier this year when two grown men decided to take a bunch of shots at the lighthouse. The damage is estimated to be around half a million dollars.

It's just not the glass window panes but the fresnel lens was shot as well. This lens traveled around Cape Horn in the late 1800's. The lighthouse has seen well over 100 year of service, weathered storms and is loved by many.

The idea of somebody doing that is surreal and my memories of the lighthouse are now colored by the sight. So I break out my Topaz filters and HDR software to emphasize its altered state. No attempt to simulate actual colors or lighting today.




Here's more information about the lighthouse and the repairs
What a shame. Why people do the things they do are an ongoing mystery. My recent visit to the ancient bristlecones revealed that the very nice informative visitor center had been burned down by a man who stated the trees told him to do it. He not only burned the building but 3 bristlecones nearby as well. He is now in the state mental hospital. Did they catch the people involved with the lighthouse shooting?
you have to wonder what kind of sick, twisted b*****d would pull a stunt like this. i hope they do catch the idiots who did this, and throw the book at them!
Yes they did catch them. From KPTV12's website.
"Wilks and Pyle were booked into Tillamook County Jail on charges of disorderly conduct, recklessly endangering another person and first-degree and second-degree criminal mischief. They have since bailed out of jail."

The recklessly endangering probably came from their trying to shoot out the newer light that serves the ships at sea.
Hmmm, the charges don't seem near harsh enough to the offense. If someone were to deface the "Mona Lisa" I would bet the charges would be tougher than vandalism. For most of us these would not be considered on the same level. Yet, the fresnel lens is a irreplaceable work of art and craftsmanship. When I visited the Yaquina Head Lighthouse last year I learned that the modern day value of it's First Order 12 ft. fresnel lens would be approx. 10 million dollars. I don't know how much of that was it's production in France, and it's shipment halfway around the world.

If it had been ruined by the elements, storms, or natural disaster, we would say what a shame. To be ruined by senseless acts of vandalism, unthinkable!
P.S. forgot to add how much I like your first shot, and the HDR treatment compliments it very well.
Thank you Rascal.

I was shocked when I saw how little they were charged with myself. It is more than just pieces of glass. Fortunately since the lens is made up of sections of glass not all of the lens was damaged.

I wonder if the vandals even went to court.
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